_ERROR_: class.mysql.php :: query() :: User 'u1116232_spanky' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)
select variable, setting from thyme_GlobalSettings

Error!: class.mysql.php :: query() :: User 'u1116232_spanky' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)
select session_data from thyme_Sessions where
        session_id = 'd7f99e0df848ba3191b71792f336ebf5'

Error!: class.mysql.php :: query() :: User 'u1116232_spanky' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)
select thyme_Users.id as id ,
thyme_Users.userid as userid ,
thyme_Users.name as name ,
thyme_Users.email as email ,
thyme_Users.access_lvl as access_lvl ,
thyme_Users.pass as pass  from thyme_Users where thyme_Users.id = '0'

Error!: class.mysql.php :: query() :: User 'u1116232_spanky' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)
select thyme_UserOptions.e_popup as e_popup ,
thyme_UserOptions.e_n_popup as e_n_popup ,
thyme_UserOptions.default_view as default_view ,
thyme_UserOptions.theme as theme ,
thyme_UserOptions.hour_format as hour_format ,
thyme_UserOptions.week_start as week_start ,
thyme_UserOptions.workday_start_hr as workday_start_hr ,
thyme_UserOptions.workday_end_hr as workday_end_hr ,
thyme_UserOptions.time_interval as time_interval ,
thyme_UserOptions.timezone as timezone ,
thyme_UserOptions.dst as dst ,
thyme_UserOptions.default_cal as default_cal ,
thyme_UserOptions.e_size as e_size ,
thyme_UserOptions.e_collapse as e_collapse ,
thyme_UserOptions.e_typename as e_typename ,
thyme_UserOptions.show_weeks as show_weeks  from thyme_UserOptions where thyme_UserOptions.id = '0'

Error!: class.mysql.php :: query() :: User 'u1116232_spanky' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)
select thyme_UserOptions.e_popup as e_popup ,
thyme_UserOptions.e_n_popup as e_n_popup ,
thyme_UserOptions.default_view as default_view ,
thyme_UserOptions.theme as theme ,
thyme_UserOptions.hour_format as hour_format ,
thyme_UserOptions.week_start as week_start ,
thyme_UserOptions.workday_start_hr as workday_start_hr ,
thyme_UserOptions.workday_end_hr as workday_end_hr ,
thyme_UserOptions.time_interval as time_interval ,
thyme_UserOptions.timezone as timezone ,
thyme_UserOptions.dst as dst ,
thyme_UserOptions.default_cal as default_cal ,
thyme_UserOptions.e_size as e_size ,
thyme_UserOptions.e_collapse as e_collapse ,
thyme_UserOptions.e_typename as e_typename ,
thyme_UserOptions.show_weeks as show_weeks  from thyme_UserOptions where thyme_UserOptions.id = '0'

Error!: class.mysql.php :: query() :: User 'u1116232_spanky' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)
select id, userid, pass, access_lvl from thyme_Users where id = 0

Error!: class.mysql.php :: query() :: User 'u1116232_spanky' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)
insert into thyme_Sessions (session_id, session_data, session_expiration)
           values ('d7f99e0df848ba3191b71792f336ebf5', 'a:2:{s:8:\"calendar\";i:0;s:2:\"lp\";s:34:\"/calendar/index.php?d=1&m=3&y=2012\";}', '1717862107')
Thyme - Log in USMVGA State Calendar
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